Direct Marketing
Direct Marketing, a. s.
Lamačská cesta 22
841 03 Bratislava
+421 2 45522 915
telemarketing survey
„My questionnaire is long, nobody will fill it in.“
- It is true that the longer the questionnaire, the less people find time to
fill it in with an operator during a phone call. We consider an interview
of 20-30 minutes as critical. We usually execute approximately 10-15-minute surveys.
- It is important to truthfully inform the respondent about the time necessary
for the whole interview at the beginning of the interview. And it is important
to observe this time. Then it works.
„I need to have questionnaires from a representative sample.“
- You can determine the segmentation of a target group and quotas you
need to fulfill in advance. This means that you can stipulate a condition
of how many questionnaires you want from each region, how many of them will be
filled in by men and how many by women, age criteria, education, etc.
- Before the interview itself, we find out whether the given person fulfills
all the criteria for the segment the quota of which is not fulfilled yet. If this
segment is already full, then we do not continue in the phone call.
„Can you also evaluate the results?“
- Yes. The most often numerically and graphically, exceptionally also statistically.
- You may ask us for special correlations that you wish to evaluate in advance
and we will do so.
- The results will be supplied in the *pdf, *ppt on a CD format + printed
in colour and coil-binded.
„How long does it last from the assignment?“
- Preparation of a questionnaire takes approximately 1 week, preparation
of phone calls according to the number of questionnaires, usually 1 – 2 weeks
and evaluation lasts approximately 1 week.
„I want to evaluate the results myself.“
- In such case, we will provide you with the collected data and the rest
will be up to you.
„What will I pay for?“
- Design and programming of the questionnaire – usually the clients
consult the form of questions with us.
- For each fully filled–in questionnaire – this price usually already
includes the telecommunication fees, salary of operators, lease of devices and training
of operators – so you pay only for the supplied „result“
(filled–in questionnaire)
- Evaluation.